Zitate von Roland Barthes

I think that cars today are almost the exact equivalent of the great Gothic cathedrals: I mean the supreme creation of an era, conceived with passion by unknown artists, and consumed in image if not in usage by a whole population which appropriates them as a purely magical object.

Informationen über Roland Barthes

Philosoph (Frankreich, 1915 - 1980).

Roland Barthes · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Roland Barthes wäre heute 108 Jahre, 5 Monate, 18 Tage oder 39.617 Tage alt.

Geboren am 12.11.1915 in Cherbourg
Gestorben am 26.03.1980 in Paris
Sternzeichen: ♏ Skorpion

Weitere 2 Zitate von Roland Barthes

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