Zitate von Holbrook Jackson

Books are never out of humour; never envious or jealous, they answer all questions with readiness; . . . they teach us how to live and how to die; they dispel melancholy by their mirth, and amuse by their wit; they prepare the soul to suffer everything and desire nothing; they introduce us to ourselves.

Informationen über Holbrook Jackson

Essayist (England, 1874 - 1948).

Holbrook Jackson · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Holbrook Jackson wäre heute 150 Jahre, 0 Monate, 0 Tage oder 54.787 Tage alt.

Geboren am 1874
Gestorben am 1948

Weitere 12 Zitate von Holbrook Jackson

  • 1 (current)