Zitate von Lord Alfred Tennyson

'Forward, the Light Brigade!' Was there a man dismayed? Not though the soldier knew Some one had blundered: Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volleyed and thundered.

Informationen über Lord Alfred Tennyson

Lyriker (England, 1809 - 1892).

Lord Alfred Tennyson · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Lord Alfred Tennyson wäre heute 214 Jahre, 9 Monate, 0 Tage oder 78.436 Tage alt.

Geboren am 06.08.1809 in Somersby/Lincolnshire
Gestorben am 06.10.1892 in Aldworth
Sternzeichen: ♌ Löwe

Weitere 295 Zitate von Lord Alfred Tennyson