Zitate von Herbert Clarke Hoover

If you take a worm's eye view of the ills in American life and our foreign relations, you may worry that we are entering the decline and fall to the greatest nation in history. If you take a bird's eye view you will see the increasing skills, growing productivity, and the expansion of education and understanding, with improving health and growing strength all over our nation. And from whence came this strength? It lies in freedom of men's initiative and the rewards of their efforts. It comes from our devotion to liberty and religious faith. We will have no decline and fall of this nation, provided we stand guard against the evils which would weaken these forces.

Informationen über Herbert Clarke Hoover

Präsident / 31. / 1929 - 1933, Leiter des Kriegsernährungsamtes, 1918 Hilfsprogramm für Europa (USA, 1874 - 1964).

Herbert Clarke Hoover · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Herbert Clarke Hoover wäre heute 149 Jahre, 9 Monate, 24 Tage oder 54.719 Tage alt.

Geboren am 10.08.1874 in West Branch
Gestorben am 20.10.1964 in New York
Sternzeichen: ♌ Löwe

Weitere 32 Zitate von Herbert Clarke Hoover