Zitate von Vergil

'Look, there's Priam! Even here prowess has its due rewards, there are tears shed for things even here and mortality touches the heart. Abandon your fears; I tell you, this fame will stand us somehow in good stead.' So he spoke, and fed his thoughts on the unreal painting.

Informationen über Vergil

Dichter, Hofpoet des altrömischen Kaisers Octavianus Augustus (Rom, 70 - 19 v. Chr.).

Vergil · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Geboren am 15.10.0-70 in Andes/bei Mantua
Gestorben am 21.09.0-19 in Brundisium
Sternzeichen: ♎ Waage

Weitere 720 Zitate von Vergil