Zitate von Sokrates

A man should feel confident concerning his soul, who has renounced those pleasures and fineries that go with the body, as being alien to him, and considering them to result more in harm than in good, but has pursued the pleasures that go with learning and made the soul fine with no alien but rather its own proper refinements, moderation and justice and courage and freedom and truth; thus he is ready for the journey to the world below, ready to go when Fate calls him.

Informationen über Sokrates

Philosoph, entwickelte die philosophische Methode eines "strukturierten Dialogs", zu seinen berühmtesten Schülern zählte unter anderem "Platon", Sokrates wurde mittels "Schierlingsbecher" hingerichtet (Griechenland, 470 - 399 v. Chr.).

Sokrates · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Geboren am 06.12.-470 in Athen
Gestorben am 31.12.-399 in Athen
Sternzeichen: ♐ Schütze

Weitere 117 Zitate von Sokrates