Zitate von Joseph Addison

The truth of it is, learning, like traveling and all other methods of improvement, as if finishes good sense, so it makes a silly man then thousand times more insufferalbe by supplying variety of matter to his impertinence, and giving him an opportunity of abounding in absurdities.

Informationen über Joseph Addison

Schriftsteller, Journalist, Politiker, "Cato", "The christian poet", "The drummer or the haunted-house" (England, 1672 - 1719).

Joseph Addison · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Joseph Addison wäre heute 351 Jahre, 11 Monate, 28 Tage oder 128.562 Tage alt.

Geboren am 01.05.1672 in Wilston/Amesbury
Gestorben am 17.06.1719 in London
Sternzeichen: ♉ Stier

Weitere 113 Zitate von Joseph Addison