Zitate von George Eliot

She, stirred somewhat beyond her wont, and taking as her text the three words which have been used so often as the inspiring trumpet-calls of men-the words God, Immortality, Duty-pronounced, with terrible earnestness, how inconceivable was the first, how unbelievable the second, and yet how peremptory and absolute the third. Never, perhaps, have sterner accents affirmed the sovereignty of impersonal and unrecompensing Law.

Informationen über George Eliot

Schriftstellerin (England, 1819 - 1880).

George Eliot · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

George Eliot wäre heute 204 Jahre, 5 Monate, 4 Tage oder 74.666 Tage alt.

Geboren am 22.11.1819
Gestorben am 22.12.1880
Sternzeichen: ♏ Skorpion

Weitere 120 Zitate von George Eliot