Zitate von George Crabbe

There anchoring, Peter chose from man to hide, There hang his head, and view the lazy tide In its hotslimy channel slowly glide; Where the small eels that left the deeper way For the warm shore, within the shallows play; Where gaping mussels, left upon the mud, Slope their slow passage to the fallen flood; - Here dull and hopeless he'd lie down and trace How sidelong crabs had scrawled their crooked race . . . He nursed the feelings these dull scenes produce, And loved to stop beside the opening sluice; Where the small stream, confined innarrow bound, Ran with a dull, unvaried, sad'ning sound; Where all presented to the eye or ear, Oppressed the soul! with misery, grief, and fear.

Informationen über George Crabbe

Schriftsteller (England, 1754 - 1832).

George Crabbe · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

George Crabbe wäre heute 269 Jahre, 4 Monate, 22 Tage oder 98.394 Tage alt.

Geboren am 24.12.1754 in Aldeburgh
Gestorben am 03.02.1832 in Trowbridge
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 29 Zitate von George Crabbe