Zitate von Epiktet
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Epiktet:
Hat man einen verkommenen Freund, so muß man, wenn man engen Umgang mit ihm pflegt, ebenso verkommen, auch wenn man selbst unverdorben ist.
Informationen über Epiktet
Philosoph, seine Lehre basierte auf Werten der "Genügsamkeit und Unabhängigkeit des Geistes" (Griechenland, 50 - 135).
Epiktet · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Epiktet wäre heute 1974 Jahre, 6 Monate, 1 Tag oder 721.174 Tage alt.
Geboren am 14.05.0050 in Hierapolis
Gestorben am 31.12.0135 in Nikopolis
Sternzeichen: ♉ Stier
Weitere 172 Zitate von Epiktet
As in walking it is your great care not to run your foot upon a nail, or to tread awry, and strain your leg; so let it be in all the affairs of human life, not to hurt your mind or offend your judgment. And this rule, if observed carefully in all your deportment, will be a mighty security to you in your undertakings.
As the touchstone which tries gold, but is not itself tried by the gold; such is he, who has the standard of judgment.
Demand not that events should happen as you wish, but wish them to happen as they do, and you will go on well.
Difficulties are things that show what men are.
Envy is the adversary of the fortunate.
Everything has two handles: one by which it may be borne, another by which it cannot.
For it is not death or hardship that is a fearful thing, but the fear of death and hardship.
Fortify yourself with moderation; for this is an impregnable fortress.
Fortune is an evil chain to the body, and vice to the soul.
Freedom is the right to live as we wish.
He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has.
I have a lantern. You steal my lantern. What, then, is your honor worth no more to you than the price of my lantern!
If virtue promises happiness, prosperity and peace, then progress in virtue is progress in each of these; for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us, progress is always an approach toward, it.
If you are told that such an one speaks ill of you, make no defense against what was said, but answer, "He surely knew not my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these only!"
If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase. At first, keep quiet and count the days when you were not angry: I used to be angry every day, then every other day: next, every two, then every three days! and if you succed in passing thirty days, sacrifice to the gods in thanksgiving.
If you wish to be good, first believe that you are bad.
If you wish to live a life free from sorrow, think of what is going to happen as if it had already happened.
If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write.
In prosperity it is very easy to find a friend; in adversity, nothing is so difficult.
In theory it is easy to convince an ignorant person; in actual life, men not only object to offer themselves to be convinced, but hate the man who has convinced them.